English assingments

Personal profile Autoformació 1

Who am I?

I’m a shy and lonley(lonely) person, so I prefer to be alone and do my thing because I have few difficulties to speak with other people, even with my friends. Otherwise, I can be very friendly if you meet(get to know) me for (a) long.

I usually get up early every day, at the weekends too, at 07:05am, (I don’t like o’clock times) then I have (a) breakfast. Later, I normally go for a walk with my dog. We like walking a lot. When I get home, I always do exercise and then I have all the morning free. My hobbies are; read(ing), I read a lot of books, play(ing) computer games, I spent(d) one or two hours a day (for) playing, I also like write(ing), I’m always writing. Sometimes I play the guitar too. I like to study everything what(that) I can by myself.

I would (like) to write at least one book in my life, study two, three or more careers(I’d like to obtain several university degrees) (I like knowledge, so It doesn’t matter a lot what careers(studies) I’ll do(choose)). My perfect job will be in a science lab, I love chemistry.

Narrative essay in the past Autoformació 2

A disastrous experience

Last summer, I got my first part-time job as a cook at a restaurant. I’ve(I’d) never cooked before, all was new.

First, I learnt to do(how to make) the salads and then the main plates(courses). One day, I was peeling some potatoes and a customer ordered a steak. My co-worker was on his break so I was alone and scared. I tried to do my best. After five minutes searching (for) the beef I found it and started to cook it. The steak was burning on the grill when the chef came in. He started to yelling me(yell at me) and did(made) the steak himself.

Next(The following day) day, I was walking toward(to) work when my boss phoned me, He told me that I was fired.

Opinion Essay Autoformació 3

Topic 2) Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer?

Teachers, are they necessary?

I always have preferred to have a teacher but it is true that sometimes the teachers cannot pay attention to all their students in the best way. For that reason, some students prefer to learn by themselves at home. How good is that?

To start (with), it is easier to pay attention in a classroom than at home. Why? Well, (the) internet. (The) internet can be a very useful tool but also a good distraction. In a classroom, with someone talking to you, you are unlikely to lose your concentration.

My advice? Mix it, go to school, pay attention, learn and then go home and do some extra work to keep fresh your learnings (fresh) or even increase it(them).

Formal Letter Autoformació 4

Topic B) Write a formal letter applying for a job as a gym instructor

30, Savile Row
London N17 9EZ
24th January, 2019
To whom It may concern

Fat Burning! Gym
12, Brixton Road
London N17 9EZ

Dear Mr or Ms,

I am contacting you because I read an advertisement in the newspaper about you searching for a new personal trainer on(in) your gym. I would like to apply for this job.

I have vocational studies on fitness and I have trained many people working on my own. I also have six months (of) experience in a little gym. I think this job could be a great opportunity to keep growing in that field. I would like to know about the time table too.

I hope you will consider my request.
I look forward to hear(ing) about your answer(from you)

Your(s) faithfully

Sergi Avila

For and against essay Autoformació 5

Topic 2.) People live more happily these days than our parents’ or grandparents’ generation

It is a well-known fact that nowadays people have more facilities in many situations in their life, which helps to life happier. It this god as it seems?

In one hand(On the one hand), our society has evolved a lot. We have a bunch of technology to facilitate our daily days(everyday life) and people have more open mentality about current social movements. It is easier to meet new friends and life(live) great experiences. In summary we can say that everyone is happier.

On the other hand, all this technology helps people to be lazier; we are able to obtain practically everything without any efforts. Many people have “correct thought” in order to look better in front of the society but they are probably thinking the opposite, or they just have these thoughts to feeling better with themselves.

In conclusion, a lot of people maybe only think that they are happy because they can have all what they want, meet a lot of friends and have the correct thoughts.

A dialogue Autoformació 6

3) A conversation between a couple who are about to slit up

-Sam: Hi Alex, how are(have) you been this(these) two weeks?

-Alex: Fine Sam, thanks. I’ve had a lot of time to think about us and other things.
-Sam: Yeah, me too. I think we should talk now, you know... about him.

-Alex: Oh, yes... of course (looking away). I thought about us, about me, and what I really want. As you know, I met another person (a) month ago and I think he’s the one I was looking for.

-Sam: How could you say that after four years (snivelling)?

-Alex: I know, it sounds crazy but look, I’m pretty sure that this is what I want and you’ll have to respect my decision at least.

-Sam: You’re kind (of) a monster, did you know it? I don’t want to know about(to hear from) you anymore!

-Alex: Please, listen to me; I don’t want to lose your friendship.

-Sam: Oh Alex... you already did. Now, if you don’t mind, I have to go.

-Alex: I’ll call you back Sam.

-Sam: Don’t you even try please, just let(leave) me alone (walks away).


  1. Hi, Sergi. What about the formal letter and the for and against essay. You're not gonna post them?

    1. Hi, Tony. it's done. Now, all the assignments are posted.

    2. Wow! That was quick! Excellent work. Thank you very much for all your hard work, Sergi.

    3. Here it is Tony. Hey, what do you think about Alex?


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